Let October Be Your SkinCare Preparedness Month!

The month of October often marks the start of a shift in the US from warm, humid weather to cooler, drier air. This transition leads to higher indoor drying stresses on skin due to the lower humidity and temperatures common in the fall and winter. Now is the perfect time to evaluate your skin-care practices and prepare for the coming changes before dry, itchy skin becomes a problem!

Make October your official skin-care preparedness month!

During the next several months indoor drying stresses on skin will increase even more due to reduced humidities and temperatures as the heating season begins in earnest. So, in anticipation of those greater environmental stressors, here are four action items to consider—

1. Assess Your Skin’s Current Condition

You probably already know the areas of your skin that tend to get dry first, showing signs like flakiness or a rough texture. Before the colder weather hits, take some time to examine your arms, legs, and face to get a sense of your skin’s “baseline” condition. This will help you track any changes as the indoor environment becomes drier.

2. Stock Up on Moisturizing Lotions and Creams

Check your current supply of moisturizers. If you’re running low, October is a good time to shop for replacements and take advantage of any sales or special offers. You might even consider trying a new moisturizer if your skin’s needs have changed. Remember, the key to healthy skin is consistent use of a moisturizer! In addition to lotions and creams, consider a moisturizing soap, body wash, and shampoo as part of your skincare routine.

TIP: Medicare Advantage plans often have over-the-counter programs that will pay for moisturizing lotions at local pharmacies.

3. Use the Seasonal.Skin and Dermidia Select Web Apps

These two web apps (no need to go to an app store, they load directly in your browser!) offer valuable insights to help you understand and manage your skin’s hydration needs, especially as the seasons change.

Seasonal Skin

Seasonal Skin web app

This app provides a comprehensive analysis of historical indoor conditions to reveal how drying stresses fluctuate throughout the year at your location. It offers:

o Three-Year Historical Analysis: See how indoor drying stresses on skin have changed over the past three years.
o Global Applicability: Seasonal.Skin can analyze conditions for a standard wood-frame house in any location worldwide.
o Daily and Monthly Insights: Track both immediate and long-term skin hydration needs based on daily and monthly average Dry Skin Index (DSI) values.
o Seasonal Overview: Anticipate periods of high skin stress and proactively adjust your routine to prevent dryness.

Dermidia Select

Dermidia Select web app

This web app takes a more personalized approach by estimating the current Dry Skin Index (DSI) for a reference wood-frame house in your area and then recommending specific Eucerin® lotions tailored to your needs. It helps you:
o Select Lotions for Prevention: Based on the predicted DSI for your area, Dermidia Select suggests lotions to proactively hydrate your skin.
o Select Lotions for Healing: If you’re already experiencing dry skin symptoms, the app recommends Eucerin® lotions that target specific issues, such as dryness, very dry skin, flaky skin, or extremely dry, rough skin.
o Purchase Recommended Products: Dermidia Select includes links to purchase the recommended Eucerin® lotions online, making it easy to implement the app’s suggestions.

4. Track Changes in the Dry Skin Index

Since we can’t physically sense the level of drying stress on our skin, it’s difficult to know when to adjust our skincare practices. The DSI acts as a valuable tool to help you make informed decisions about your skincare routine. Consistently tracking the DSI allows you to adapt your skincare practices proactively rather than reactively, helping to prevent dryness before it starts.
Track the DSI by opting in to the weekly forecast provided by the Dermidia Select app. Try it for a couple of weeks to see how drying stresses change with the weather. Opt out anytime!

Remember, healthy, hydrated skin is achievable year-round with a little preparation and the right tools. Let October be your Skincare Preparedness Month and take charge of your skin’s health!

dry skin, winter dry skin

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