Internet searches for ‘dry skin’ show need for adaptive skin care
Internet searches for ‘dry skin’ and related terms like ‘dry face’ and ‘skin moisturizer’ demonstrate distinct variations by season of the year and location. The frequency of searches for ‘dry skin’ indicates that many people are unprepared to deal with seasonal drying stressors on their skin.
The overall search pattern for ‘dry skin’ in the United States for selected cities during the past five years is depicted in the chart below (data from Google Trends). The seasonal trends largely represent changes in indoor drying stresses on skin that reflect increases and decreases in outdoor water vapor levels.
Another interesting aspect of the chart is the gradual increase in search activity involving ‘dry skin’, which could be a function of the growing portion of the aging US population susceptible to dry skin as well as an increase in Internet search activity among members of this population cohort.
An important observation is that as the Fall months begin, the atmosphere begins to dry out, and consequently, there is a rise in people’s concern about the occurrence of dry skin. It is also relevant to point out that the people searching for “dry skin” may not (1) be fully aware of the relationship between outdoor weather and indoor drying stresses and (2) have an adaptive skin-care regimen that addresses such stresses.
Are you among the people who get surprised by seasonal occurrences of dry skin?
If so, as Fall begins, it’s probably helpful to inspect those areas of your skin that are prone to dryness, as evidenced by skin roughness and skin flakes, in order to establish a baseline condition. Use the Dermidia Select web app to estimate indoor drying stresses so that you can adapt your skin-care practices. Then, as winter approaches with even drier outdoor/indoor air, you’ll be able to respond with moisturizing lotions and creams together with a room humidifier when indoor relative humidities decline below 40 to 45%.