About Dermidia

The motto of Dermidia is “Connect to better skin care”. Our main “connections” include the Seasonal.Skin web app and the Skin Sim app that simulate the Dry Skin Index of indoor air, Dermida Select, a convenient web app that helps you select moisturizing lotions, and finally, a blog of helpful articles dealing with healthy skin.

Meet the Founder

David Layton (DW Layton), Ph.D.

Dave spent over 30 years working as an environmental scientist conducting research on topics ranging from indoor dust contaminants to the cancer risks of heterocyclic amines in cooked meats. His motivation for starting Dermidia (under Dermalapps, LLC) stemmed from his recognition that Internet-connected temperature and humidity sensors could be used to evaluate dermal exposures to dry indoor air and thus help people to prevent and manage skin dryness resulting from such exposures.

Copyright © 2024
Dermalapps, LLC